So, your XAMPP installation has been up and running for a couple of weeks and you've amassed quite a sizeable set of data that you don't want to be at risk from a hard drive crash. 因此,假设您的XAMPP安装已经启动并运行了几周了,并向其中输入了很多数据,那么您就应该防范出现硬盘崩溃的风险。
While it is feasible to control the roll out of fat client software in corporate environments, the fact that it's not impossible to copy an FM install to another machine and run it without installation or registration with a IBM Cognos 8 Content Manager constitutes a risk. 尽管它对于控制公司环境中胖客户机软件的交付是可行的,但是用户有可能把FM复制到另一台计算机上并运行它,而不安装或向IBMCognos8ContentManager注册,这会带来风险。
Lenovo has worked hard to build a positive reputation. They had earned the trust of their customers, but the scandal over malware installation on their computers has suddenly put that reputation at risk. 此前联想一直在努力为自己打造良好声誉,而且已经赢得了顾客的信任。但流氓软件问题立刻给该公司带来了信誉风险。
By installation design, the risk that severe water shaking may cause damages to the sensor was efficiently avoided. 通过安装设计,有效地避免了液位大幅度抖动而损坏传感器的风险。
Thus the net profit of other business is much higher than that of electrical installation, but one must take money loss in consideration when facing high risk in other business. 由此可得其他业务的净利润远高于电力安装业务的利润,但要面对高风险,做好亏本的准备。
Installed by specialized engineers to reduce installation risk; 由专业工程师安装,降低安装风险;
The people's error or impurity and corrosion during the design, installation and operation highly raise the risk of the combined-station. 然而作为石油生产系统重要组成部分的联合站在设计、安装和使用过程中受到人为和石油中的杂质腐蚀等因素的影响,在一定程度上增大了联合站的风险水平。
Operators of severely dangerous installation involve the job of high risk and high responsibility. 重大危险装置操作人员所涉及的是危险性高、责任重大的工种。
But only in the manufacture of special equipment and put into use after the installation is complete, to achieve the various functions that people need only have the special equipment of the particular risk. 而特种设备只有在制造安装完成并投入使用以后,才能实现人们所需要的各种功能,才具有特种设备所具有的特定危险性。
And at the process of the station in design, installation, and used, It is inevitable be effect by man-made and oil-gas impurities corrosion, or other factors. To some extent, increases the risk level of it. 并且由于集输场站在设计、安装和使用过程中不可避免的会受到人为和油气中的杂质腐蚀等因素的影响,在一定程度上又增大了集输场站的风险水平。